The initial approach to project 4 was a bit of a challenge as designing a full building seemed slightly foreign after a series of studio projects that produced more theoretical (though still valuable) results. In speaking to Vince, I was asked (multiple times) what spaces in Las Vegas I was inspired by. From an architectural point of view (and not that of an unedumacated tourist) it felt difficult to really identify the spaces that were of great value. So many aspects of Las Vegas’ resorts and casinos fall under Venturi’s duck and decorated shed analogies that it becomes hard to look beyond this and really appreciate the (few) spaces that embody true architectural merit. After re-visiting my pictures and some studio discussion, I’ve come up with a list of spaces in Vegas that would be equally as inspiring if they were stripped bare of their bells and whistles and parasols…
(While the parasols really were 'pretty', the glazed wall facing the landscape and pool/pond, the natural lighting and the connection between the upper and lower floors is what makes the space successful. )

(Can't remember what this was called... but it's a bright, vibrant contrast to the dark casino area)

(Ok, this is debatable, but tell me a canal on the second floor of a resort isn't worth mentioning...)
None of these spaces have entirely unique programs and could be equally as functional in extruded boxes (aka Costco), however, in 'designing the architecture' and giving special attention to the details, these spaces transform from spaces to places, communicating a strong sense of their genius loci. Something to think about in progressing with our designs.
With the gigs of photos shared by all the students in the course, you had to resort to Getty Images?