Model scale is 1:5.
Step 1 - Due to the double curve of the facade system, individual components had to be laser cut and carefully kept track of.
Step 1.1 - Smaller individual component (the spider connections) had to be assembled. Originally these were 3D printed but as those prints were flawed, I assembled these from the remains of the 3D print and quickly laser cut pieces.
Step 2 - The outer facade grid is assembled. Note the heat gun in the background. This was used for curving the plexi used for the interior facade mock up in a time consuming process (use a vacuum form in the future if you have one people).
Step 3 - The mock panels are attached to the grid via the connections.
Step 4 - Not really a step, its just the assembled model. Note the curved translucent 3 mm plexi behind the outer facade. This is the interior facade mock up.
Step 5 - Testing. In order to better replicate the comparative intensity of the sun and to highlight the desired effect, the model was laced in a dark room with a direct light shining on it. The effect can clearly be seen.
Step 5.1 - What it looks like from up close looking at one of the opening that will eventually be in the interior facade for natural ventilation.
Step 5.2 - Up close at the opening, looking out onto the exterior facade at dusk.
Have you begun exploring the actual nature of the openings? Specifically, the potential need for a frame around the opening will create a potential visual density that you may not wish to have. Better yet, you may find that a subtle way of relating the necessary reality of a framework for the white "screen wall" would add to the greater impact of the interior space.