Fig. 1
Fig 2
Fig 3

Fig 4
Based on the structural venation of a leaf, this permutation is an exploration of creating a structure (Fig 1) that could double as both a canopy(as seen in the model) and/or a cantilevered platform. A closer look at the surface of the structure would deal with ventilation ducts that acted in a similar fashion to plant stomata by way of opening hinged vents (Fig 4), or circular apartures such as those drawn above (Fig 2).
Fig 4
Based on the structural venation of a leaf, this permutation is an exploration of creating a structure (Fig 1) that could double as both a canopy(as seen in the model) and/or a cantilevered platform. A closer look at the surface of the structure would deal with ventilation ducts that acted in a similar fashion to plant stomata by way of opening hinged vents (Fig 4), or circular apartures such as those drawn above (Fig 2).
An idea that came about in crit today suggested that the opening of the vent sizes would vary depending on the weight of the amount of people that occupied the space beneth the canopy. Exploration in this direction continues...
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